mediPrint summary

In hospitals, clinics and medical practices, there is a constant search for ways to lower the costs.

For years now more and more diagnostic devices have produced digital data. And also analogue data (e.g. X-Ray films) are more and more made available in digital archives (PACS). Data used for diagnosing are transferred in digital form either online or on CD or DVD.

Nevertheless there exists a demand to produce a printout maybe as some kind of quick look for the files or to hand it to the patient. Classically imagesetters were used but the costs for such a film print are exceptionally high. But if the data for diagnosing are transferred in digital form the requirements for printout are lowered. So really good laser prints are fine for the purpose of image documentation. And their printouts cost only a fraction of film plots, especially if done in monochrom what is sufficient in most cases.

mediPrint is a print appliance, especially developed for the needs of medical applications.

An integrated DICOM printserver serves as interface to a PACS system or directly to DICOM entities. But all "classic" print protocols can be used as well to bring print data to a mediPrint and then to a printer. Installations with equipment from all major suppliers of medical as well as print equipment have been running for many years.

mediPrint will perform an optimized post processing for almost any available printer, will embed the data independently of the data source into a corporate design and will add standard texts if required.

One appliance can control several printers. Redundant failover scenarios are possible as well as a configuration as a pure virtual machine. So an intergration into almost every existing IT infrastructure is possible.